CAP ULM POE KONE / Centre Air Passion RSS feed of CAP ULM POE KONE / Centre Air Passion en hourly 1 Copyright 2024, Ultinow Thu, 05 Dec 2024 14:53:22 +0100 Thu, 05 Dec 2024 14:53:22 +0100 60 Scenic Flight at Poé-Déva, Bourail - 20 Mn Thu, 05 Dec 2024 14:53:22 +0100 <p><strong>By taking off</strong> from <strong>Po&eacute;&#39;s Airfield </strong>(175 km from Noum&eacute;a), it will take you&nbsp;20 seconds to enjoy an incredible scenery over the lagoon&nbsp;<strong>aboard our panoramic view aircrafts.</strong> Po&eacute; is a breathtaking site with its 50 shades of blue, the great barrier reef, the fault, and its lenticular lagoon: a UNESCO heritage site.</p> <hr /> <p>&nbsp;</p> By taking off from Poé's Airfield (175 km from Nouméa), it will take you 20 seconds to enjoy an incredible scenery over the lagoon aboard our panoramic view aircrafts. Poé is a breathtaking site with its 50 shades of blue, the great barrier reef, the fault, and its lenticular lagoon: a UNESCO heritage site.


Scenic Flight at Poé-Déva, Bourail Thu, 05 Dec 2024 14:53:22 +0100 <p><strong>By taking off</strong> from <strong>Po&eacute;&#39;s Airfield </strong>(175 km from Noum&eacute;a), it will take you&nbsp;20 seconds to enjoy an incredible scenery over the lagoon&nbsp;<strong>aboard our panoramic view aircrafts.</strong> Po&eacute; is a breathtaking site with its 50 shades of blue, the great barrier reef, the fault, and its lenticular lagoon: a UNESCO heritage site.</p> <hr /> <p><u>BOOKING INSTRUCTIONS:</u></p> <p>- <strong><u>1 solo</u> flight<strong> </strong></strong>or <strong><u>2 consecutive</u>&nbsp;flights:</strong>&nbsp;make&nbsp;<strong>1 booking&nbsp;per flight</strong>!</p> <p>- <strong><u>Duo / Simultaneous</u> flights:</strong>&nbsp;make <strong>1 booking</strong> and add&nbsp;<strong>2 flights</strong><strong>!</strong></p> By taking off from Poé's Airfield (175 km from Nouméa), it will take you 20 seconds to enjoy an incredible scenery over the lagoon aboard our panoramic view aircrafts. Poé is a breathtaking site with its 50 shades of blue, the great barrier reef, the fault, and its lenticular lagoon: a UNESCO heritage site.


- 1 solo flight or 2 consecutive flights: make 1 booking per flight!

- Duo / Simultaneous flights: make 1 booking and add 2 flights!

Scenic Flight Heart of Voh, Koné lagoon-pass-gatop-plane-779/ Thu, 05 Dec 2024 14:53:22 +0100 lagoon-pass-gatop-plane-779/ <p style="margin-left:0cm; margin-right:0cm"><span style="color:#003366"><strong>By taking off</strong></span> from <strong><span style="color:#003366">Kon&eacute;&#39;s&nbsp;Airfield</span></strong> (275 km from Noum&eacute;a), you will enjoy a sightseeing flight over the <strong><span style="color:#003366">Coeur de Voh </span></strong>(Hearth of Voh), as well as other points of interest such as the <strong><span style="color:#003366">Oundjo&#39;s Blue Hole</span></strong> and the <strong><span style="color:#003366">Great Barrier Reef.</span></strong> This unique lagoon is part of the UNESCO World Heritage.</p> <hr /> <p><u>BOOKING INSTRUCTIONS:</u></p> <p>- <strong><span style="color:#003366"><u>1 solo</u> flight</span><strong> </strong></strong>or <strong><span style="color:#003366"><u>2 consecutive</u>&nbsp;flights</span>:</strong>&nbsp;make&nbsp;<span style="color:#d35400"><strong>1 booking&nbsp;per flight</strong></span>!</p> <p>- <strong><span style="color:#003366"><u>Duo / Simultaneous</u> flights</span>:</strong>&nbsp;make <span style="color:#d35400"><strong>1 booking</strong></span> and add&nbsp;<span style="color:#d35400"><strong>2 flights</strong></span><strong><span style="color:#003399">!</span></strong></p> By taking off from Koné's Airfield (275 km from Nouméa), you will enjoy a sightseeing flight over the Coeur de Voh (Hearth of Voh), as well as other points of interest such as the Oundjo's Blue Hole and the Great Barrier Reef. This unique lagoon is part of the UNESCO World Heritage.


- 1 solo flight or 2 consecutive flights: make 1 booking per flight!

- Duo / Simultaneous flights: make 1 booking and add 2 flights!

Introductory and Training Flights at Poé Thu, 05 Dec 2024 14:53:22 +0100 <p><span style="color:#003366"><strong>Take-offs</strong></span> for our&nbsp;Introductory and Training Flights are only done <strong><span style="color:#003366">from Po&eacute;&#39;s airfield</span></strong> (175 km&nbsp;from Noum&eacute;a). The <span style="color:#003366"><strong>Introductory Flight with our instructor</strong></span>&nbsp;is the best option if you hesitate to start a ULM Pilot License.&nbsp;After a short briefing of 5-10 min, you will get started with flying and the cockpit area, as well as some ground approaches, if the instructor&nbsp;decides it.</p> <p>Our <span style="color:#003366"><strong>Training Flights</strong></span> have the same tariffs and are directed for individuals wanting to get a <strong><span style="color:#003366">Pilot Licence</span></strong>.</p> Take-offs for our Introductory and Training Flights are only done from Poé's airfield (175 km from Nouméa). The Introductory Flight with our instructor is the best option if you hesitate to start a ULM Pilot License. After a short briefing of 5-10 min, you will get started with flying and the cockpit area, as well as some ground approaches, if the instructor decides it.

Our Training Flights have the same tariffs and are directed for individuals wanting to get a Pilot Licence.

Côte Est / Vol touristique Thu, 05 Dec 2024 14:53:22 +0100 <p style="margin-left:0cm; margin-right:0cm"><strong>Offrez</strong>&nbsp;un vol touristique au d&eacute;part de <strong>l&#39;a&eacute;rodrome de TOUHO</strong>.</p> <p style="margin-left:0cm; margin-right:0cm">C&#39;est un<strong> cadeau inoubliable</strong>, &nbsp;le lagon avec ses &icirc;lots de sable blanc,&nbsp;la barri&egrave;re de corail, le village de HIENGHENE avec sa poule couveuse et&nbsp;les paysages typiques de la c&ocirc;te EST.</p> <p style="margin-left:0cm; margin-right:0cm">Lorsque vous souhaiterez utiliser votre bon d&#39;achat&nbsp;vous devrez nous contacter pour&nbsp;<strong>d&eacute;finir la date et l&#39;heure des vols.</strong></p> <p style="margin-left:0cm; margin-right:0cm"><strong><span style="color:#0000ff">NOS APPAREILS SONT BASES SUR LA C&Ocirc;TE OUEST ET DU FAIT DE L&#39;ELOIGNEMENT L&#39;ACHAT DE 2 VOLS MINIMUM EST OBLIGATOIRE</span></strong></p> <p style="margin-left:0cm; margin-right:0cm">&nbsp;</p> Offrez un vol touristique au départ de l'aérodrome de TOUHO.

C'est un cadeau inoubliable,  le lagon avec ses îlots de sable blanc, la barrière de corail, le village de HIENGHENE avec sa poule couveuse et les paysages typiques de la côte EST.

Lorsque vous souhaiterez utiliser votre bon d'achat vous devrez nous contacter pour définir la date et l'heure des vols.



e-Gift Flight Voucher Poé Deva Lagoon lagoon-lens-island-green-bay-turtles-834/ Thu, 05 Dec 2024 14:53:22 +0100 lagoon-lens-island-green-bay-turtles-834/ <p><span style="color:#d35400"><strong>Give a unique experience</strong></span>: a sightseeing flight aboard our <span style="color:#003366"><strong>panoramic view aircrafts</strong></span> at Po&eacute; Deva&nbsp;site. A&nbsp;<span style="color:#003366"><strong>f</strong><strong>lightgift&nbsp;guaranteed to delight</strong></span>&nbsp;the receiver. The&nbsp;contrasted lagoon and its 50 shades of blue&nbsp;will mesmerize anyone: the lenticular lagoon, l&#39;&Icirc;le&nbsp;Verte (Green Island), Poe&#39;s fault, the great barrier reef: a <span style="color:#003366"><strong>UNESCO heritage site</strong></span>.</p> <p><span style="color:#003366"><strong>Choose</strong></span> your <span style="color:#003366"><strong>e-Gift Voucher</strong></span> and give a blissful experience!</p> <p>When the moment comes, the recipient will contact us to schedule the flight.</p> Give a unique experience: a sightseeing flight aboard our panoramic view aircrafts at Poé Deva site. A flightgift guaranteed to delight the receiver. The contrasted lagoon and its 50 shades of blue will mesmerize anyone: the lenticular lagoon, l'Île Verte (Green Island), Poe's fault, the great barrier reef: a UNESCO heritage site.

Choose your e-Gift Voucher and give a blissful experience!

When the moment comes, the recipient will contact us to schedule the flight.

e-Gift Flight Voucher Heart of Voh high-barrriere-coral lagoon-pass gatop-837/ Thu, 05 Dec 2024 14:53:22 +0100 high-barrriere-coral lagoon-pass gatop-837/ <p><span style="color:#d35400"><strong>Give a unique experience</strong></span>: a sightseeing flight aboard our <span style="color:#003366"><strong>panoramic view aircrafts</strong></span> over the well known <span style="color:#d35400"><u><strong>Heart of Voh</strong></u></span>. An unforgettable&nbsp;<span style="color:#003366"><strong>f</strong><strong>lightgift&nbsp;guaranteed to delight</strong></span>&nbsp;the receiver, <u><span style="color:#003366"><strong>departing from Kone&#39;s Airfield only</strong></span></u>.</p> <p><span style="color:#003366"><strong>Choose</strong></span> your <span style="color:#003366"><strong>e-Gift Voucher</strong></span> and give a blissful moment!</p> <p>When the moment comes, the recipient will contact us to schedule the flight.</p> Give a unique experience: a sightseeing flight aboard our panoramic view aircrafts over the well known Heart of Voh. An unforgettable flightgift guaranteed to delight the receiver, departing from Kone's Airfield only.

Choose your e-Gift Voucher and give a blissful moment!

When the moment comes, the recipient will contact us to schedule the flight.
